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Your Partner in Agile PeopleOps Framework™ Journey

Future-skilling Individuals, Teams, and Organizations
Agile PeopleOps framework

Your Partner in Agile PeopleOps Framework™ Human Capital Journey

Future-skilling Individuals, Teams, and Organizations

Leading the way for a sustainable future

Culturelligence drives organizational transformation by energizing and engaging leaders and employees as change champions. We believe that One-Size- Doesn’t-Fit-All, as each organization is unique, with different values, beliefs, culture, leadership practices, and processes.

As an elite partner of Agile PeopleOps, USA, we help organizations adopt and implement Agile Lean methodologies, Design Thinking, and Coaching to create new-age organizations focusing on best human capital practices.

The Future of Workforce 2023 | Research Report

In collaboration with Agile PeopleOps, LLC

Key Services

Key service for Agile People
We work to understand the uniqueness of your organization and vision so that we can offer customized solutions to you and support your success.
We enable your leaders and Human Capital function to create a better workplace experience for the workforce.
Offer role-based Agile PeopleOps Framework™ courses to build the future skills of individuals and teams.
We provide talent with Agile PeopleOps/HR skills to transform your People Operations function.
Help individuals cultivate an agile-culture mindset, learn future skills, and become next-gen ready.
Enrolled in Agile HR Fundamentals
Enrolled in APF Foundation Course
Total Students
Our Attendee’s Success Stories
Our Attendee’s Success Stories

Our Consulting, Staffing and Training Customers

Whatever your aim for you future, we have the perfect solution to get you there.

Let’s start your journey to your career path today.

Upcoming APF™ Courses

Check out to enroll and scale up your career.
23 Jan

APF Certified Talent Champion™

09:00 AM - 02:00 PM

Agile PeopleOps Framework Certified Talent Champion™ (APF CTC™) program prepares the participants to perform APF™ Talent Acquisition,

25 Jan

APF Certified PeopleOps Coach™

09:00 AM - 03:00 AM

Agile PeopleOps Framework Certified PeopleOps Coach™ Will prepare HR VPs, Directors, Human Capital Leaders, HR Leaders, Organizational...

24 Jan

APF Certified PeopleOps Specialist™

09:00 AM - 02:00 PM

Agile PeopleOps Framework Certified PeopleOps Specialist™ (APF CPS™) program prepares the participants to understand and learn Agile PeopleOps....

26 Jan

APF Certified PeopleOps Scrum Master™

09:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Agile PeopleOps Framework Certified PeopleOps Scrum Master™ Program prepares HR / PeopleOps professionals to learn about...

27 Jan

APF Certified Talent Scrum Master™

09:00 AM – 03:00 AM
Agile PeopleOps Framework Certified Talent Scrum Master™ program prepares HR Managers, Recruitment Managers, HR/Recruitment Leads to…

Latest Blogs

Decoding Quiet and Loud Q….

Decoding Quiet and Loud Quitting: Impacts and Trends …

Culturelligence Credos: T….

Culturelligence Credos: The Pillars of Effective Team Coaching …

Reflecting on an Exceptio….
The Heartbeat of People O….

The Heartbeat of People Operations: Why Empathy Matters …

How the Triad of Empathy ….

How the Triad of Empathy Shapes Supportive Cultures …

Mastering the Art of Gen….
Building Trust and Connec….

Building Trust and Connection Remotely During Team Huddles …

The Importance of Employe….

The Importance of Employee Experience at Workplace. In …

A candid exploration of m….

Over the past few years, the term, “mental health” has morphed into a buzzword, being tossed about like a limp, over-used hacky sack.

What is Quiet Quitting

Quiet Quitting is the application of Work-to-rule is a management strategy in which employees set work hours and only conduct work-related activities during those hours.

Microlearning and Learnin….

Human attention spans have diminished to margins that are threatening our intelligence, in a world consistently…

Embracing TWAT: The Futur….
The Essence of Team Coach….
Creating positive experie….

When employees have a positive experience in the workplace, they demonstrate a greater sense of: Belonging – feeling part of a team, group, or organization.

5 Reasons why Agile Educa….

Agile Education is the infusing of Agile principles with school management, it is a method of educating that is more people-centric and improves the process of educating.

Leadership vs Management

The terms ‘Leadership’ and ‘Management’ are among the most regularly used in the corporate world, and they are sometimes used interchangeably.

What is Emotional Intelli….

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to recognize, use, and control one’s own emotions in a constructive way in order to reduce stress,…

What is Growth Mindset an….

A growth mindset is a general theory that states that a mind consists of a set of assumptions, methods, or notions held by an individual or a group of people…

Taking People / HR functi….

HR function to the Next Level. It’s a well-known fact that we are sailing in a highly turbulent and complex business environment, that is highly uncertain…

Traditional Recruitment v….

The introduction of the Agile methodology during the 90s impacted more than just the tech industry it was conceived for. Agile adaptability and positive…

Traditional Recruitment P….

What is Traditional Recruitment? Traditional Recruitment process and selection is a term that is often used to define the process when people apply for jobs…

A Quick Introduction to A….

A Quick Introduction to Agile, In today’s 21st-century business era, leaders across different industries and functions realize the importance of Agile practices…

Candidate Journey / Exper….

Candidate Journey Maps function the same way and become even more important for every organization, considering the candidate back-out …

Selection Approach for Co….

Selection Approach for Corporate executives are individuals who occupy top-level seats within any organization. Every job family is..

Agile PeopleOps Framework

Today agile practices are not just limited to engineering functions but are quickly spreading to other functions including Human Resources (HR)…

Psychological Safety: a n….

What is psychological safety? Psychological Safety is defined as, “being able to show and employ one’s self without fear of negative consequences of self-image,…

Transforming the Talent A….

Why Agile Talent Acquisition? Agile Recruitment or Talent Acquisition is a part of Agile HR and companies like IBM, General Electric, ……

Key Success Factors (KSFs….

The Key Success Factors(KSFs) in Talent Acquisition include: Create employer brand awareness through campaigns, videos, social networking and other…

Connect – Converse – ….

Why Employee Experience is important? The 21st-century era demands business leaders and human resources practitioners develop strategies…

Sourcing Meetups: a Sourc….

The talent Acquisition landscape is being redefined. Why one should opt Sourcing Strategy/Talent Acquisition? The failure of traditional…

Agile For Hr: Take this A….

Agile HR is the buzzword in today’s business world. Few HR leaders and Change Champions have begun embracing agile principles,….

Talent as a Service (TaaS….

Talent as a Service (TaaS) is gaining prominence in today’s war over the talent economy. It is the most recent disruption in the talent acquisition function…

SAFe Scrum Master Respons….

SAFe Scrum Master Responsibilities

“Being Responsive and R….

There have been numerous articles and blog posts that describe the positive attributes and qualities of good leaders. Recently, I read…

Key Cultural Attributes f….

Key Cultural Attributes for Sustainability and Performance Improvement

Becoming an Accredited Cu….

Experience” and “learning” are two powerful words that shape & strengthen personal and professional accountability, effectiveness, and success…

Talent Acquisition (TA)….

Today (April 9, 2017) I completed reading the “Talent Acquisition (TA) Enter the Cognitive Recruiter” section in the Deloitte ….

Neuronal Networks – Met….

What Are Neurons & Networks? Neurons serve as a medium of communication (facilitated by synapses) within the human system….

What Is Agile HR?

Agile HR is all about responding to human capital needs (at organizational, team, and individual levels) in a quick, positive, and engaging way.

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3978 Woodridge Way, Atlanta, GA, USA
Aditya Enclave, Kanakapura Main Road, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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